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Finest Stories

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Explore our blog for insightful articles and updates on industry trends.

Finest Stories

Their Stories

Halloo Finest kenalin aku Jocelin hari ini kebetulan ada event dari official snatched kita pakai jasa dari Finest Organizer pertamanya tuh aku tau Finest karena aku pernah pakai buat personal event juga terus aku ngerasa Finest OK banget dari tim nya very accative very detail terus bener bener gak perhitungan banget pada saat event tuh bantuinya bener bener maksimal makanya aku pengen banget coba buat di event aku hari ini, dan hari ini pun sama bener-bener bagus banget dari pelayananya, jadi kalau misalkan ada teman-teman yang mau adain event, dari event pribadi atau pun wedding atau pun brand launching atau apapun boleh contact Finest karena semua event kamu pasti bisa di bantu. Thank you…

Launch Snatched

To Finest Organizer
Pertama kali kita ketemu Ko Mike itu di Bali, karena kita dulu consider mau married disana. Kita udah cocok banget ngobrol sama Ko Mike. Tapi after much consideration akhirnya kita putusin nikah di Jakarta, kita langsung decide pake Finest aja karena udah percaya 100% sama Ko Mike.
Dan ternyata memang ga salah pilih! Mulai prepare 8 bulan dibantu sama Ko Mike dan Kak Efri yang gercep bales chat, kasih masukan saat pilih vendor, keeping track of our budget and spending, dan bisa nanya ini itu buat kita yang clueless tentang wedding.
And then The Day came. We thought we would be anxious dan deg2an. But strangely not at all?! Super relaxing banget tinggal duduk manis liatin Team Finest dan vendor lain kerja urusin semuanya. The schedule was maintained well, on time banget sampe ada sisa2 waktu masih bisa nyantai. The team work was perfect, swift and in sync with each other.
Yang paling berkesan sih buat kita itu PIC masing2 anggota keluarga dan PIC groom bride. Semua sangat care, detailed, dan professional. Waktu sesi foto semua PIC langsung sibuk cek orangnya udah oke belum dari ujung kepala sampai kaki. Also, a shout out to Kak Adil dan Ci Grace, thank you so much for your effort and care for us!
Wedding day kita seharian have fun bareng ketawa2 ga berhenti sama Team Finest dan Team Lavene. Berkesan banget kalo diinget jadi happy terus.
Kita bener2 no complain or input apapun sih buat Team Finest karena udah se perfect itu :) 100% will recommend to everyone. Great job Team!

Benny & Mira

Grateful for the amazing work and team!. For us who spent most of our time outside the country but decided to plan our wedding in bali, Michael, Susi and Finest team have helped us tremendously throughout this process! Thank you so much for all the help in finding vendors and organising the details, ensuring everything went smoothly and on time. The teams are also very friendly and helpful in assisting the bride and grooms family throughout the event. We are forever grateful for your help, in ensuring our wedding day is perfect; thank you Finest Organizer!

Christopher & Silvia

Choosing Finest as our wedding organizer was one of the best decisions we made! Ko Michael, Ka Efri, Ci Susi, and the entire Finest team in both Jakarta and Bali truly supported us throughout our wedding preparation and on the big day. They always had answers to our questions and guided us on the next steps. On the wedding day, everything went perfectly and smoothly; I didn’t have to worry about anything because the Finest team planned everything so well and communicated effectively with our families. I highly recommend them to couples who are planning to get married!

Juan & Sabella

Hello, Sorry it took us awhile to say this, karena baru sampai bali last night. But me and Marco couldn’t thank you enough for helping us throughout the sangjit procession. Each and every of you is so helpful and we are so greatful to choose you guys from the very begining.
Thank you juga buat Evelyn, buat team EO dan semua crew yang participate. You guys did a great job, couldn’t ask for better EO, very attentive and bringing a 1000% effort.

Marco & Jessica

Halo Finest team, Aku mau ucapin thank you so much ya sudah assist aku dari awal planning sampai tadi D-day. The Event went smoothly thanks to you guys!! Thank you Ci Chiara sudah mau sabar dengerin aku yang dari the past week whatsapp whatsapp terus hampir tiap hari. Thank you to the whole team yang tadi sudah bantu di acara kita, i feel very grateful. Aku juga minta maaf kalau ada kata kata atau tindakan aku yang kurang berkenan. semoga kita bisa ketemu di lain kesempatan yaa. much love

Stephen & Vania

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